Anxiety can arise at any time. We live in a world that inundates us daily with events and situations that increase stress and panic.
Here are some prayers for moments of anxiety, worry, and fear. Our prayer for you is that these prayers will lead to God’s peace.
Tension, if left untreated, can gradually escalate to the level of non-stop fright and anxiety.
Even though we can do an excellent job of covering it up and hiding it, anxious feelings will destroy us from within.
1) Prayer For Anxiety Worry And Fear

“Heavenly Father, we know that you do not give us a spirit of fear but strength, love, and a right mind. I ask you to minister to my restless heart and replace all worry, anxiety, and fear with your assurance of peace and comfort.
Remind me of your truth, which is greater than anything I can come up against. Rebuke the spirit of fear and lose your peace in every cell of my being. Please help me trust you in everything, regardless of how they look or feel.
Lord, thank You that You are Shalom, our perfect peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Anxiety is a strong beast that feeds worry, fear, depression, and stress.
Anxiety can quickly overwhelm our rational thinking and dominate our lives.
Instead of getting caught up in all that worry, stress, and fear, turn to these prayers and Bible verses to calm your anxiety.
Read and absorb, then turn into these prayers to help in your life.
2) Short Prayer For Anxiety

“Dear God. The weight of the roughly world has crushed me. I am hopeless and petrified.
I know you are a God of miracles. You created this earth with your sacred power and love. Let me see the good in my world again. Please help me find hope and fill me with light.
Dear God, deliver me from anxiety. Let me find peace from my anxious thoughts, and lead me where You will lead me.
I am afraid, but I trust in You, my Lord. Amen.”
When you feel anxious, everything seems overwhelming.
Every task appears complicated, and every new activity throws a new worry into your overburdened mind.
Though as a Christian, you can turn to Lord when you are worried.
As He is our Creator and devoted Father, connecting with Him via this prayer can bring you peace and calm your troubled mind.
3) Powerful Prayer To Remove Fear From The Mind And Heart

“Heavenly Father, help me all my days. Teach me not to worry. Remind me not to worry.
I lay my fear and anxiety at your feet. Please help me overcome all doubts and fears when I feel like I’m being crushed. Remind me that you are a mighty Lord.
Remind me that I can trust you. I comprehend I can’t do it on my own. I need you. I am telling you my requests right now. I need help. I need you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
These are the powerful prayers to pray for when experiencing anxiety and depression.
This prayer will also help you remove fear from your life.
These are the prayers when you feel overwhelmed, lonely, or have panic attacks.
You can pray in moments of uncertainty or when needed. For yourself or for someone close, just have faith while you pray and God will hear your requests.
4) Strong Prayer To Stop Worrying

“Dear Father in Heaven So much has been broken in my life. I have many fears and anxieties, and they weigh me down.
While I want to take care of you, I usually bring them up again, and they only add more anxiety and stress. Please help me learn to lean on You as I remember what it means to rest and trust in You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
From an inability to focus on tasks to panic attacks, Satan will use anxiety to keep you from living the entire life God has for you.
We can fight stress through prayer and by casting our worries on God. When we are anxious, God wants us to give Him the things we are eager about.
Don’t worry about anything when you face any difficulty that disturbs your inner spirit.
These strong prayers will help to stop anxiety.
Pray for God’s peace that passes understanding. Pray more, worry less, and trust in God.
5) Prayer For Sleep And Anxiety

“Eternal King, please rule my heart and mind. I sometimes fail to trust you and worry about many things.
It’s making it hard to sleep and wakes me up at night. I regret my lack of trust and give these concerns to you. I trust you to guide me in my decisions and care for things out of my control.
I rest in you. Amen.”
Prayers for sleep are a powerful way to get the rest you need at bedtime.
Your body needs time to rejuvenate and thank God that His Word is full of promises of restful sleep that belong to you.
If you can’t sleep, then these prayers will be helpful for you.
6) Short Prayer For Times You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

“Heavenly Father, You are King David’s God and my God too. You always rule over everything. Give me peace when I am overwhelmed.
I am figuring out how I can afford everything I need. Light my way and show me activities and responsibilities that I cannot say.
Please help me to remove the burdens that occupy my mind and keep me under control.
Life surprises you. One moment, you feel like everything is going well. Next, you are overwhelmed at every turn.
When those times come, as they do for all of us, there is a solution that cannot fail.
It’s easy, doesn’t cost a dime, and requires only that we turn our hearts to God.
These short prayers will help in times when you are feeling overwhelmed.
7) Prayer To Calm Anxiety

“Loving God, please give me peace of mind and comfort my troubled heart. My soul is like a turbulent sea. I can’t find my balance, so I stumble and am constantly flustered.
Give me the power and clarity to find my purpose and follow the path You have laid out for me.
May your devotion surround me, comfort me, and save me. I can lean more and worry less. I can always call on you when I’m feeling scared or worried.
In your name, Lord, Amen.”
These prayers can help reduce anger and aggression and keep you safe.
These prayers help calm anxiety and allow you to see situations ‘in a new light’ or from a different perspective.
It isn’t easy suffering from anxiety and it can lead you down the wrong path. But God is here to help you.
Only He can use His power to guide you on the right track.
Can I Say Any Of These Prayers?
Yes, you can say any of these prayers. These prayers will benefit you whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or fearful.
Praying brings comfort and peace.
When stress begins to take hold in your life, pause and pray to God.
Share your emotions, fears, and longings. God is waiting with open arms to clasp you and give you His relaxation and comfort.
Prayer can be very healing and help you overcome anxiety and stress.
Reaching out to God or a divine higher power is a way to connect with hope, healing, and strength.
Should I Pray Only When I’m Feeling Down?
No, you shouldn’t only pray when you are down, but prayer should be done every time.
Prayers mean you are talking to God and to that God who loves to listen to his children regularly.
Talking to God, The Father of Heaven is a relief. He is the One who always listens, so we should always speak with Him.
Telling our problems is one thing but letting Him in our happiness is our trust toward Him that we always call Him whenever we feel sad or happy.
He loves and answers our callings whenever we speak to Him. There is no bound of time and situation, so we should always pray before Him.
Will These Prayers Work Immediately?
Yes, if you’re feeling anxious, you can find comfort through prayer—because prayer helps us build a deeper relationship with God.
This relationship allows us to renew our strength in our Creator, as He can give us wisdom, courage, and comfort.
To pray for deliverance, find a quiet and safe place. Then, take some deep breaths or meditate to clear your mind.
Once your mind is tranquil, pray out loud or in your head. You can choose to say your prayer or use a prayer written by someone else.
If you find comfort in movement, write your prayer on paper or in the air in front of you.
Writing your prayer by hand can be very relaxing, as it forces your mind to focus on writing instead of being distracted.
Final Thoughts
Anxiety, worry, and fear are common emotions that we all experience from time to time.
Sometimes we face challenges in our work and relationships. Alternatively, many people experience anxiety when they go through a stressful life event, such as moving house.
If your anxiety is short-term and manageable, you can reduce it through meditation, sleep, mindfulness exercises, rest, and prayer.
However, if your stress interferes with your ability to lead an everyday life or if you experience panic attacks, you may need to seek treatment from a mental health professional.
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