At the genesis of marriage, we look forward to a happily ever after with our spouses. But no marriage is a bed of roses because as long as we are on this earth, we will experience challenges not included in the marital union.
“In sickness and in health. For richer for poorer.” — This is the vow you made when you pledged your undying love and loyalty to the man you hold dearly.
As a loving wife, it is your responsibility to uphold your husband and family in prayer at all times, but more so, during difficult times.
Here are seven prayers for your husband in difficult times covering the crucial areas of health, love and work. Make a prayer every day by faith and God will answer you sooner than you expect.
Take heart in whatever you are going through. Your solution is coming in Jesus’ name.
1) Prayer For My Husband In Difficult Times

“Mighty and loving God, I come to You today with a burden for my husband. I need Your help because You are the giver of hope and solutions to all our issues.
Lord, please help my husband find peace and comfort amid his trials. During these difficult times, remind him to be still and know You are God over his life.
He is facing [state reasons for difficulty] and desperately needs Your guidance and wisdom.
Above all, strengthen his character and let his joy be full despite the troubles.
Thank You, father, for hearing my prayer. I believe You are working all things for our good in Christ Jesus. Amen.”
I hope this prayer for your husband gives you some peace and comfort during this difficult time.
As it says in the Bible in Genesis 2:18 husbands are heads of their families but they do need their wives’ help to keep everything in peace and harmony!
As a helper, it is your responsibility to pray for your husband during difficult times and support him emotionally as well as financially if you can.
But, if you feel like your husband is feeling lost and without a purpose in life, you can also say a prayer for guidance in making the right choice.
2) Protective Prayer For My Hard Working Husband

“Everlasting Father, I humbly ask You to protect my husband and shield him in Your arms of refuge.
Surround him with Your favor and protection every day when he goes to work and when he leaves. Guard him in all his ways and may Your blood of protection be upon him in Jesus’ name.
May you protect his body and mind from any injuries. I thank You because my husband works hard to provide for our family.
Please continue to protect his work, keeping him away from the evil one whose mission is to steal, kill and destroy. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”
As you pray for God to protect your husband from ill-health, financial struggles or untimely demise, remember to also pray for his protection against sudden job loss.
Your prayer concerning your husband’s work will make a difference without you realizing it.
So don’t hesitate whenever you feel convicted to pray about this. You’re asking God to guide him during his work and to always shield him from any harm.
God is very proud of you, as a woman and as a wife! You’re showing Him that the bonding you two share has been guided and blessed by our Lord.
After all, God was the one who made sure your paths crossed at some point in life.
3) Strong Prayer For Couples In Hard Times

“Merciful God, we look to You for comfort in our time of anguish. You are the healer of wounded hearts and so we beg that You heal ours. Let us not lean on our understanding but trust You.
Comfort us, dear Father in our hard times. We are discouraged, crushed and afflicted.
We are going through [state issues] with no hope and knowledge of how to solve them.
But out of this, deliver us and let our union be stronger in the end. I pray that we will be overcomers in all hard times and that our faith in each other and You will never waver.
It pleases God when life partners stand together in prayer. James 5:16 commands us to pray for each other so that we may be healed.
Healing not only includes being made whole from sickness but finding solutions in hard times as well.
As you pray to solve those hard times as a couple, encourage your husband to unite with you in devotion. Set apart some time to intercede for your situations.
As it says in Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 — “two heads are better than one”.
It’s also important to note that there could be some evil entities trying to mess with your marriage. Maybe someone close doesn’t want to see you two happy and united.
You should take a look at this prayer for protection from evil spirits.
It once happened to me. At first, I didn’t want to believe but no matter what we tried everything just seemed to go wrong.
After saying this prayer I said a prayer to protect us from those evil entities and things just started to flow just like the day we fell in love!
4) Blessing Prayer For My Husband

“Oh, Lord, thank You because I am enriched to have a wonderful head of my family. My husband is virtuous and committed to his husbandry and fatherly duties.
I stand firm knowing that he has favor with You and everyone he interacts with. I pray that every need in my husband’s life will continue to be met as he walks in prosperity and immense blessing.
I acknowledge that every good and perfect thing in his life comes from You and I worship You for the great things You have done and are still doing for him.
I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Are you wondering how to be a blessing to your husband and family? Proverbs 31: 10-31 highlights all the qualities of an excellent wife.
Praying for your husband is already a great way to be a blessing. But it doesn’t end there! You ought him to be:
- Hardworking;
- Trustworthy;
- Compassionate;
- Responsible;
- Respectable;
- Selfless.
By saying this beautiful prayer to bless your husband you’re helping him to always be protected by God.
Nothing will ever get in between your husband and all of those new opportunities that God will provide for him.
5) Beautiful Prayer For My Husband At Work

“Holy Father, I uphold my husband and his job in Your presence. I ask that Your presence may abide with him and bless the work of his hands.
Grant him wisdom, patience and favor to undertake his daily tasks. May he feel Your presence and warm embrace.
Guide his path, oh Lord, that he may walk into the many opportunities you have for him.
I pray that he may be fruitful in all he does and that others may see a difference in him. May he always serve You through his work and faith.
Work is a great part of our everyday life. We need to work to make money to pay bills and provide for our necessities.
Whether you are a working or stay-at-home wife, you can commit your husband to prayer and witness the change it brings to his work life.
Here’s a Bible verse that I say almost every night for my husband — Deuteronomy 28:12:
“The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.”
6) Protective Prayer For My Husband’s Health

“Jesus, I come to thee committing my husband’s health unto You. You are God our healer and therefore I speak good health upon his body.
Please help him to make healthy choices and keep away from the lusts of the flesh that corrupt the body.
Shield him from dangers and heal his afflictions. You bore our sickness and carried our physical pain at the cross and so my husband is set free from all ailments.
I also pray to You concerning my husband’s spiritual health. Let him seek you always, follow your teachings and trust in You in everything.
May he be of sound mind and know that he can depend on You for physical as well as spiritual nourishment. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.”
If your husband is ailing, make this protective prayer by faith and God will restore his health.
But it’s equally important to pray for your husband’s emotional and mental health.
The world has many challenges that one can easily fall into depression leading to bad paths. Always pray that God will spread His hinge of protection over your partner’s mind, protecting him from negative thoughts.
You can also say a prayer for Monday’s blessing to start the week with God next to you.
7) Blessing Prayer For Husband And Wife: Hard Times In Marriage

“Omnipotent God, we are on our knees acknowledging that nothing is too difficult for You. You are bigger than our problems.
Marriage is a beautiful thing that comes from You and we are grateful for uniting us in matrimony. Because You guide our marriage, please help to overcome the obstacles we face.
We have tried everything in our power to resolve our marital issues but as human beings, we are weak and limited. We need You, father, to hold our hand and walk us through this restoration journey.
Forgive us where we went astray and lead us back into Your loving arms. May Your showers of blessings rain upon our marriage, and may our love for each other conquer the hard times that we face. Amen.”
God desires that you enjoy your marriage.
Matrimony is a beautiful thing that God created for two partners to experience:
- Companionship;
- Love;
- Safety;
- Proper upbringing of children.
He is not happy when a couple suffers hard times. Invite God in your marriage to help you through your tribulations, and He will restore your union.
Will These Prayers Help Protect And Bless My Husband?
Yes! If you speak with undoubting faith, God will surely hear your prayers for your dear husband and move in a mighty way for you.
Praying helps us in so many aspects of our lives. Our Lord is kind and humble and all He wants is to see us happy as we follow the path He wrote for us.
Will They Solve Our Difficulties In Marriage?
Yes, they will. However, note that faith is backed by action.
For instance, if your husband is ill, you can’t only pray and expect a miracle from heaven. You must seek medical attention and pray that God will heal his illness.
Some marital issues are also too complex for a couple to handle on their own. That’s why God gave marital counselors the wisdom to walk with struggling couples.
As you rely on prayer, it’s equally important to seek help from professionals who can hold your hand.
You can also say a prayer to restore love in your marriage after adultery.
Can I Say Any Of These Prayers In The Morning?
You can say all seven of these prayers at any time of the day or night. There is no specific time to pray. God wants us to approach Him at all times.
Every individual has their preferred time of prayer. If you are an early bird, you might be more comfortable praying in the morning.
Others like to pray during lunch breaks, while others do it at night. Just do what works for you. What matters is that you pray and that pleases God.
Final Thoughts
These seven powerful prayers for your husband and marriage will ultimately charge your daily devotion.
Marriage is never easy. Couples fight battles both seen and unseen every day. A prayerless marriage faces the risk of collapse because partners try to solve issues by their strength which in most cases fails.
If you are a wife who prays for her husband, then you are on the right track to a successful long-term marriage. Never stop praying, even when you feel nothing is changing. God is cultivating the fruit of patience in you and will soon come to your aid.