Is someone you know ailing, and you wish to be there for them? Praying for their healing is the best way to show your sympathy, love and support.
As mortal beings, we will often fall sick. No matter how small or big the illness seems, it is never a bad idea to intercede for your loved one.
Say these short Catholic prayers with faith for God’s healing intervention upon your dear one and watch for their soon recovery.
God is ready to hear your intercessory prayer and touch the ailing body of your beloved. Let us pray!
1) Short Prayer for the Healing and Recovery of Someone

“Lord, please look upon [say their name] with mercy.
Rest Your healing hand upon their ailing body. Let new life flow through every cell of their being and the depths of their soul, cleansing and restoring them.
Reform them back to wholeness and strength for Your glory. Amen.”
Afflictions and sickness are a part of life. We all get sick at some point in our lives not only physically but spiritually, emotionally and mentally as well.
It is in these down moments that we feel the Lord’s infinite grace.
Let this prayer for healing bring restoration to your loved one.
The Bible shares in Exodus 15:26 that God is our healer and the giver of life. The Lord said:
“If you heed my voice and do what pleases me, if you pay attention to my commands and adhere to my decrees, I will not reign upon you the afflictions I brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord, Your healer.”
2) Catholic Prayer for Healing

“Lord Jesus,
You welcome all who are heavy-laden to come to You. Cast out Your hand to heal [say their name]. Touch their soul with Your compassion for those who are burdened.
Infinite loving heart of the Father, bring them health in mind, body and spirit so that they might serve You with all their strength. Gently touch the life which You lovingly molded, now and forever.
In Christ Jesus, I pray, Amen.”
In the Catholic religion, prayers are an essential weapon against sickness. A prayer of faith will restore the sick person.
James 5:15 declares, “The prayer of faith will heal the sick person- the Lord will restore him. If he has sinned, he will be pardoned.”
The Bible is full of examples of God’s healing power. For Catholics, there is no better doctor than our Heavenly Father.
His ultimate saving grace is when He sent His son Jesus Christ so we could live eternally. So if you are seeking healing for your loved one, this Catholic prayer will bring relief.
You can also say a miracle prayer for healing a family member.
3) Short Prayer for Healing for a Friend

“God of healing, all our times are at Thy mercy. All sicknesses come at Thy call and go at Thy order. You redeem our lives from eternal destruction and crown us with loving kindness and tender mercies.
I bless You, oh Lord, that You hear my prayer and heal my friend [friend’s name], who has been under Thy afflicting hand. He/she is physically downcast, but You are merciful.
May he/she live to declare Your works, Amen.”
It feels incredible to have a friend there for you when sick. Some ailments require someone to take care of you until you get better.
It is always great to be a genuine friend by offering help when they are unwell, including praying for their healing.
Let your friendship be a source of joy, healing, love and encouragement.
Your companionship is indispensable to your friend so do not get tired of being there in prayer and practically as well. Healing prayer for them shows your unconditional love.
“A friend loves at all times” — Proverbs 17:17.
4) Blessing Prayer for a Speedy Recovery of Someone

“Jesus Christ, Thou art the Divine Physician and Healer.
I come to You at this dire time when my loved one is sick and needs speedy recovery. Lord, You who are our compassionate comforter when distraught, please take away his/her pain and worries right now and replace them with Your gentle affection.
Grant him/her the grace and strength to bear this burden of affliction. I ask that You bring Your child [say the name] back to proper health again and above all, bless him/her with the newness of strength.
From now till their ripe old age, Amen.”
Sometimes a prayer of faith, even on someone’s death bed can make a world of difference.
There are numerous testimonies of people dying of an illness but became as good as new after someone spoke a word of deliverance to them.
In His three-year ministry on Earth, Jesus healed many ill people, some suffering from incurable conditions such as blindness and disability.
So let your special person know that just a simple prayer can change their desperate situation. Their health condition is not too hopeless for the Almighty.
God is always ready to help those who ask for His help and guidance.
5) Short Prayer for Healing and Recovery for a Friend

“Oh God, Remember my friend who is sick. I commend him/her to Your compassionate regard that You would grant him/her healing and total recovery. Comfort him/her on their sickbed and take away his/her suffering.
I beg for [friend’s name] healing and trust that no sickness is too difficult for You. I pray that You bless my friend with Your tender love, renew his/her strength and cure what afflicts him/her.
In Your loving name, I pray, Amen.”
It can be hard to watch helplessly as your friend suffers from sickness.
Though there might not be much you can do about their condition, you can show your support through prayer and encouragement during their difficult time.
Apart from prayer, take time to talk with your friend. Having someone to talk to means a lot to a sick person.
It is okay to feel uncomfortable. What is worth is your presence, which can be a huge relief to your friend.
6) Catholic Prayer for Healing a Family Member

“Gracious Father,
Hold my family member at this time of affliction. Watch over [say the name] in his/her sleepless nights and speak Your encouragement when afraid.
You are the fountain of youth and I plea for Your healing touch on his/her weak body, restoring his/her strength. Pour down the water of life upon [say the name]. Build his/her health again and let him/her feel Your loving arms surrounding him/her.
Thank You for granting my family peace and healing that surpasses all knowledge. Amen.”
I commend you for the amazing job of praying and looking after your sick family member.
On June 10 of 2015, during a Wednesday general audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis lauded families that care for their sick loved ones.
He called them “hidden heroes” and recommended their sacrificial service in caring for their ill family members to the point of sleep deprivation.
The Pope’s words can be a lesson to us. That we need to combine faith through prayer with action through caring for our loved ones suffering from illness.
If you can be there practically for your ailing family member, do it selflessly without expecting anything in return. Our Father who sees will reward you someday.
7) Recovery Prayer for Someone’s Health

“Dear Lord, thank You for the life of [say the name]. I pray that You heal his/her sickness and bring them to total recovery.
You are the same God that performed miraculous healing written in the Bible, and I believe You can do it even today. I praise Your name for the promise of healing and restoration. I claim those promises over my loved one.
I believe that all things are possible through You and the Holy Spirit, Amen.”
If you cannot be physically available for your friend or loved one when they are ill, there are other ways to be there for them.
You could send them a thoughtful card or text or make a phone call. While it is easy to send a text, calls feel more personal and you can tell if someone is doing fine or not.
You can also say a prayer for strength in hard times.
Focus on great wishes, prayers for recovery and scriptures about their healing. Make sure they know they can count on your help if they need it.
8) Powerful Prayer for Health and Healing

“Lord Jesus Christ,
By Your dedication to suffering on this Earth, You have given us a perfect example of staying put in God’s will.
Heavenly Father, help [say the name] in times of pain and weakness. I ask that You sustain them by Your grace so that their strength and courage do not waver.
I pray that You would heal them according to Your will and restore them back to good health. Amen.”
With men, it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible
“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”” — Matthew 19:26.
Jesus’ sentiment to His disciples is particularly important in moments of emotional or physical challenges.
The Old Testament offers more than a few healing stories. 2 Kings 20:1-11 tells the tale of King Hezekiah, who suffered a deadly terminal illness. When he was told that he would die, he cried to God in anguish.
Hezekiah prayed to the Lord, “Remember how I have walked before You faithfully and in wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in Your eyes.” And he wept bitterly.
God heard Hezekiah’s prayer and decided to heal him. “I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you,” the Lord sent Prophet Isaiah to tell Hezekiah.
9) Miracle Prayer for Recovery for Someone

“Lord, if there is one thing I have learned from Your Word is the unimaginable miracles Your power can accomplish. Like so, I plea for Your divine mercy that my loved one may receive Your healing and restoration.
Let Your power cleanse all the nooks and crannies in their body and fill them with new strength in Jesus’ name. Make them a walking testimony of Your omnipotence.
I lift Your name for Your favor upon their lives in Christ Jesus. I pray, Amen.”
Recovery comes in different forms. i. But it can also involve others sectors, such as financial, spiritual or emotional recovery.
Bearing this in mind, we should not only have to pray for recovery from illness. We can commit other bleeding areas of our lives to God as well.
Do not also overlook the importance of faith for miracle healing. The story of the bleeding woman in Luke 8:43-48 shows how her unquestionable faith in Jesus healed her of a condition that troubled her for twelve years.
The lady did not even ask Jesus to lay His hands on her but only touched His robe and was made well. Then Jesus told her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”
As you pray for your loved one to recover, share the importance of having faith so they can receive their miracle.
You cannot have faith on their behalf, they only need to believe to receive healing and restoration.
10) Powerful Prayer for Self-Healing

“Loving and Everlasting Lord,
Your love has held me and helped me to endure this suffering. May Your hope and healing lead me to a place of healing and restoration.
As I embark on this self-healing journey, let Your anointing oil flow through me like a stream. I have decided to dive into these remedial waters every day.
I meditate on You and the Holy Scriptures. I also surrender all that I am and rest in your peaceful presence. Your amazing promises for my life are like a spring that wells us with goodness.
I receive my healing in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
From time to time, we struggle with physical and mental challenges that shake our life foundations. We would probably benefit from self-healing when dealing with such issues.
Besides prayer, meditating on God’s Word is the best to get self-healing. The Bible provides countless uplifting verses that help with spiritual nourishment for physical and emotional self-healing.
Meditate on these scriptures and speak them over your life to produce divine power in your situation:
“Behold the Lord will bring health and healing. He will heal me and reveal the abundance of prosperity and security.” — Jeremiah 33:6.
“The Lord heals my broken heart and binds up my wounds.” — Psalm 147:3.
“Lord be gracious to me; I long for You. Be my strength every morning, my salvation in time of distress.” — Isaiah 33:2.
Will These Prayers Help To Heal My Loved Ones?
Prayers made with faith release power and can help heal you or your loved ones.
When dealing with health concerns, take a moment to speak healing. This grants peace of mind to many.
While reciting healing prayers will not guarantee that all your problems will disappear, it can offer comfort during the most challenging time.
How Many Times Should I Say These Prayers?
Here’s the trick, as many times as you can! There is no restriction to how many times to say these prayers.
You can say once and receive your healing miracle or you can pray countless times before God answers.
Can I Say These Prayers with The Person Who Needs Healing?
Of course. I encourage you to say these prayers with them because it will show your love and care for them.
Final Thoughts
Praying for the healing of someone in your life can be a wonderful gift for them. It is an amazing way to show your support.
Do not get tired of interceding for their restoration or lose hope either. No matter how long it takes, God will heal your loved one as He did before in the days of old.