Starting a job comes with anxiety. It comes with a lot of uncertainties concerning how well you will perform on your first day.
However, what if I tell you there is a way to overcome the fears of starting a new job or resuming work on your first day?
There is a way to commit everything into the hands of God. The only way to do this is by prayer.
I have identified 7 powerful prayers to say when starting a new job. You can also use these prayers on your first day of work.
In this article, we will discuss these prayers.
1) Prayer Before Starting Work
“Heavenly Father,
Today, I come to You with much greatness and a happy heart because of You. I want to thank You for blessing me with this job that will help me to provide for myself and my family.
Before I start working, I want to ask You to be present on this special day. Give me wisdom so I can make the best choices and face any issue. Give me strength and health so I can work my shift. Give me peace of mind and cleanse any negativity around me.
May my coworkers feel Your blessings over them too. You are my God and I invite You to my workplace to bless the hands, minds and the work of everyone around me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Before you start work, this is the prayer you should say. God is the beginning of all things.
Whenever you commit your work to His hands, expect everything to go well.
Therefore, you are relying on God through your prayers.
With this prayer, everything is set in motion. When you say this prayer, God takes out everything that might negatively affect you on your first day of work.
I have recommended this prayer to a lot of people with amazing testimonies following. This is why I am sure you will have yours as well.
Start praying NOW!
You can also say these prayers to cancel the Evil plan of the enemy. So, if someone close to you doesn’t want you to succeed, you will still be victorious.
2) Prayer For Starting A New Job
“Almighty God, I pray You for help. Please help me in this new job. My new job means a lot to me, because I need it, my salary and everything it offers.
That’s why I pray to You, God our Lord, to help me succeed in this new job. To help me get lucky in this new job and to help me get all the tasks I need done.
God our Lord, bless this new job of mine. Give me luck. Give me the patience and positive energy to keep working, day after day, night after night.
God our Lord give me all the energy in the world so I can succeed. Accompany me throughout my day and bless me with Your miraculous forces.
Accompany Me now and forevermore.
Accept my congratulations on getting this new job!
Now that the celebrations are over, you should start praying to God. During the few days between your offer and resumption, you should spend time saying this prayer.
This prayer paves the way for your effectiveness on the job.
While starting a new job, expect God to work on everything that helps you do your best on the job.
Stay consistent with this prayer. Be full of positive affirmations and stay in faith.
3) Prayer For First Day At Work
“Almighty God, accompany me on my first day of work. This first day of work is very important to me and I need everything to go well. I need you to drive away the negative energies, the evil eye and the bad spirits from my life.
Almighty God, let me succeed in this new job, make new real friendships, and let luck be on my side.
Almighty God, bless me, Almighty God, bless this new job of mine.
Always stay by my side, protect me, accompany me and don’t let anything go wrong. I am counting on You, on Your strength and on Your miracles.
So be it,
On your first day at work, while sitting at your desk, this is the prayer you should say. Well, you can also say this prayer before leaving home in the morning.
This prayer is only meant to be said on the first day at work because it helps you stay confident and positive.
Whenever you say this prayer, things will align. Also, God will accompany you to your place of work.
Before you do anything at work, ensure you say this prayer FIRST to set things in motion spiritually.
If you are afraid of not doing great in your work, you can also say this prayer for the impossible that works immediately.
4) Prayer For Someone’s First Day Of Work
“Jesus, open the doors and all the opportunities. Jesus, open the paths, strengthen the body and the soul and give (say their name) strength to keep fighting.
Please, Jesus, he/she need strength to keep fighting, to keep working and luck to be able to change his/her life. I, with a lot of love and a lot of faith, ask You to help this person.
You know well Lord, the hope I have in You in all Your Divine strength.
In You I trust blindly, to guide him/her on the path of success, opportunities and happiness that awaits him/her .
May Your help come , now and forevermore.
If you have someone who is going to resume work, this is how to pray for him/her. Your act of love will not go unnoticed!
To make this prayer effective, write the name of the person on paper with your intention for the person on the first day of their work.
As you do this, say this prayer with your intention fixed on your desires for the individual.
Conclude this prayer with thanksgiving. This builds faith in your heart that your prayers have been answered.
Whenever I say this prayer for someone, the next thing I do is to call him/her and say a word of blessing. You can do the same as well.
5) Prayer For A Friend Starting A New Job
“I ask for the divine help of my Heavenly Father and all the Angels in heaven to protect my friend (say their name) in the company (company name).
This person depends on this job, depends on it to support himself/herself, to support the children and to take care of those he/sheneeds most.
That’s why he/she can’t lose it. That’s why I ask for the divine and merciful help of my Heavenly Father and all the Angels in heaven to sustain him/her.
I ask that luck be on his/her side, that good results arise and that this company keep him/her for as long as necessary.
So be it,
This special prayer is focused on praying for your friend.
When you say this prayer, what makes it effective is the connection you have with this individual.
Therefore, if you don’t have a cordial relationship or a friendly emotional attachment to him/her, then, don’t say this prayer.
Praying for your friend starting a new job releases the power of God on behalf of your friend. It makes everything go according to plan – for the benefit of your friend.
6) Prayer Before Starting Work In the Office
“Saint Cyprian, I pray today with great faith in You and in all Your miraculous powers. I pray to ask You for help and protection.
I (say your name) today pray to You, Saint Cyprian, that You will help me never again to leave my job (say job name) with address (say full employment address).
This job means a lot to me, my life and my happiness. Therefore, I ask with all my strength that You help me.
Help me to ward off the negative energies of my job, protect my position, and be lucky to be more productive during my shift. In Your name, I pray,
Before you start work at the office (in the morning), say this blessing prayer.
It releases the blessing of God over your work and energizes you to work effectively all day long.
In addition to this, the special blessing prayer before starting work at the office eliminates every form of negativity.
I believe you should also read these prayers for a positive outcome and good news.
7) Morning Prayer Before Work
“Heavenly Father, I pray You to ask for help, to ask for Your blessing, and to ask for Your divine protection in this new job of mine (say job name).
Heavenly Father, I need help keeping bad luck out of my life. I need help keeping negative energies away from me. And I need help attracting luck into my professional life.
Heavenly Father, I’m starting a new job and I need to be lucky. I need luck on my side for everything to go well. Heavenly Father, remove all evil from my body and soul.
Heavenly Father, allow me to be happy, to be successful in my job, and to achieve everything I desire.
From the name, it should be said in the morning – preferably between 6 am and 8 am.
When you say this prayer before work, everything will align for your good.
Ensure to say this prayer with faith and an expectation of goodness during the day.
When should I say these prayers?
There is no specific time to say any of these prayers.
But, from my experience, you should say these prayers the night before your first day of work, in the morning or in your workplace.
If you want to pray the day before, you should do it at midnight. This is an hour with a strong spiritual essence, which helps to provide powerful results.
But, praying directly on your workplace, God will touch everyone’s heart and make sure they’re all kind to you.
Before you leave, take a look at these prayers to St. Anthony for lost things.
Can I say these Prayers Every day?
Yes, of course you can! For better results, you should pray consistently.
Prayers aren’t like a magic potion, they take time and faith to work. You can just say a prayer without have faith in God and hope for it to work.
Our God loves that we talk with Him and ask for His help. He loves to help His children.
So, by saying a prayer every day before work, you are inviting God to your workplace and releasing spiritual energy above you and your coworkers.
Consistently saying these prayers will also speed up your answers.
Final Words
With these prayers, you can expect great things at your place of work.
Saying these 7 powerful prayers with faith attracts good luck to you and increases your efficiency.
The Bible says with God, all things are possible. By saying these prayers, all your desires will come to pass and your anxieties will be taken off.
nice post . very nicely written. looking for many more like this
It’s achance to me today I’m starting anew job and I find this prayer I’m lucky