These 7 unfailing prayers to St. Anthony are the best ways to invoke the powers of St. Anthony for a miracle and lost things. Therefore, if you are a devoted worshipper of St. Anthony, you need to pay attention to every detail of this article. If you don’t worship St. Anthony, you can generate a result with these prayers because they are simple to say but powerful in the delivery of results.
According to local research conducted by our team, we discovered that hundreds of people have invoked the powers of St. Anthony to find lost things. They have used the power of St. Anthony to bring a miracle into their lives whenever they are looking for something that seems lost and impossible to find.
After doing further researches, we discovered that one out of the 7 unfailing prayers in this article we used to generate such powerful results, and this is why we have put together these prayers for you. With these prayers, you will be able to find lost things supernaturally because of the power of St. Anthony.
Therefore, this should create assurance in your heart, with an expectation that the results you desire will become tangible as you say these prayers to St. Anthony.
Have you ever lost something important without the hope of regaining it back?
This article will convince you that hope is not far from you. By making prayers to the holy St. Anthony, you will be amazed at the miracle that will unfold within your very eyes.
Here are the 7 unfailing prayers to St. Anthony.
1) The Original Prayer to St. Anthony

“O Holy St. Anthony gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request).
O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms. The gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.
The original prayer to St. Anthony has never failed. There has not been a record of unanswered prayers to St. Anthony. When you make this type of prayer, you can enjoy a whole year of miracles and good things. With this prayer, your life can take a positive turn.
You should understand that it is the will of God to answer your prayer. Most times, the answer might be a little different from what we expected, but it is the will of God. Faith must be present in our hearts when we want to make prayers to St. Anthony.
St. Anthony will take our prayers to Jesus, who will take our prayers to God, and bring the results to us. The original prayer to St. Anthony can be used to invoke a miracle into your life. Furthermore, it can be used to find lost things.
This prayer is generic.
You can use it for anything. Your desire is what makes the original prayer to St. Anthony a specific one. However, as far as the prayer is concerned, there is no limit to what it can accomplish in the life of anyone that asks in faith.
2) St. Anthony Prayer for Lost Things

“Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me…
(Mention your request here)
O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.
Losing important items can affect our day. Most especially when they are crucial to our health. I heard the story of a lady who lost her medication kit and was on the verge of losing her life; after many futile efforts by her husband, they had to make prayers to St. Anthony who opened their mind to know the exact location of the lost item. This was how her life was saved.
Her story should inspire confidence in your heart as it did mine. The St. Anthony prayer for lost things will recover all of your lost items.
How does this prayer work?
While praying to St. Anthony for lost things, you will either have a vision, premonition, or inner perception of the particular location of the lost item. This is the only way to find it. When the premonition or vision strikes your heart, rise with boldness and check the location. The result will be stunning.
The St. Anthony prayer for lost things brings massive results and miracles. With this prayer, you will recover everything that was lost in your life.
3) Prayer to St. Anthony for a Miracle

“O Holy St. Anthony, reach down from heaven and take hold of my hand. Assure me that I am not alone. You are known to possess miraculous powers and to be ever ready to speak for those in trouble.
Loving and Gentle St. Anthony, reach down from heaven, I implore you and assist me in my hour of need. Obtain for me (mention your request here).
Dearest St. Anthony, reach down from heaven and guide me with thy strength. Plead for me in my needs. And teach me to be humbly thankful as you were for all the bountiful lessons I am to receive.
Do you desire a miracle?
The prayer to St. Anthony for a miracle will work for you.
Out of the numerous saints of God, St. Anthony is pure, kind, and offers to heal people’s hearts. The loving energy of St. Anthony makes him a powerful spirit that brings miracles to the lives of people. Furthermore, it was believed that St. Anthony did many signs and miracles while he was on earth.
His powers are still available and can be invoked by saying the prayers to St. Anthony for a miracle.
What aspect of your life do you desire a miracle?
It is time to pray to St. Anthony. The holy St. Anthony will take your request to God, who will grant your request within the shortest possible time. However, you must ensure that your prayers are consistent. Your consistent prayer to St. Anthony for a miracle will generate a quick response. It will make your case a pressing need, which will bring results within the shortest possible time.
4) St. Anthony Prayer for a Special Request

“Miraculous Saint Anthony, you who listen to all requests, you who listen to all who are in difficulties, help me, because I need immediate divine help.
Saint Anthony, I need your urgent help to help me achieve my special request:
(Special request here)
I know it’s a special request, but I really need to fulfill that request. I really need your help and your interception Saint Anthony.
Saint Anthony, help me, Saint Anthony, help me now and forever.
I know I can count on Your help Saint Anthony, because You don’t leave anyone behind. Because You help all who need help and because You are a miraculous Saint.
Do you have something special to request for?
Well, we all do at certain points. This is why the St. Anthony prayer for a special request is important. This prayer cannot be made at all times. It has a specific season. Don’t make this prayer without having a special request to make. You will be invoking the power of St. Anthony for no reason, which might have terrible consequences.
However, if you have a special request to make, St. Anthony is the best approach to God. The reason for this is because God’s saints can get more from Him than every other people on earth. Through St. Anthony, your special request will be granted.
The St. Anthony prayer for a special request should be made consistently – every morning and night until your request is granted.
5) St. Anthony prayer to find a home

“St. Anthony, I’m desperate, I need immediate help and I know You can help me. I need to find a house very quickly, I need to find a place to live, to shelter and to be able to be happy.
I need a home, I need a home to go to, where I can sleep, where I can rest and where I can pray.
With the help of St. Anthony I know I’ll be able to find a house to live in, I know I’ll be able to find a house to be happy.
St. Anthony, help me find a house! I count on Your miraculous help, now and forever.
This might seem trivial, but it is important to destiny fulfillment.
Moving to a new place can be the major shift that will turn things around in your life. This is why you should not take it with levity. Praying to St. Anthony brings speedy results. You can ask St. Anthony for anything you desire.
Finding the perfect home can be difficult. However, with St. Anthony, it only gets easier:
- St. Anthony is compassionate. Therefore, when you call upon him to find a home for you, he will go out of his way to bring your desires to pass. His compassion will smear upon you, which will bring favor into your life.
- You will find an amazing home at a cheaper price because St. Anthony will melt the heart of the house seller, which will be positively disposed towards you.
By praying for St. Anthony to find a home prayer, you stand to get a lot of benefits apart from finding a good home that is in a perfect location.
Furthermore, if you have the desired house in your mind, use that image to make a special request from St. Anthony.
6) Prayer to St. Anthony Padua
Praying to St. Anthony of Padua will also recover lost things and give you a miracle.
St. Anthony of Padua is not different from St. Anthony you know. The holy St. Anthony died in Padua. This is why he is popularly known as St. Anthony of Padua.
The holy St. Anthony has miraculous powers to grant all of our desires whenever we ask him. Several Catholics pray to this holy saint with faith in his power, and they have gotten answers to all of these requests.
You can pray to St. Anthony for anything you desire with an assurance that your requests will be granted.
The prayer to St. Anthony of Padua brings results within a few days. On special occasions, the results can be instant.
If you believe in St. Anthony of Padua, anything is possible through the power of your prayer. Therefore, pray to St. Anthony of Padua about your desires, and let him carry your prayers to God for a speedy answer.
7) St. Anthony Prayer for Healing
The healing prayer to St. Anthony works wonders.
When St. Anthony was on earth, he performed many miraculous feats. One of the legends of this holy saint spoke about his immunity to poisonous substances. He has spiritual powers to heal up from poison.
Therefore, whenever you are sick, pray to St. Anthony for healing. The power of St. Anthony will bring healing to your body.
With the St. Anthony prayer for healing, you will be healed and restored.
The healing can be emotional and psychological as well. You have to be specific in your request. I always write down my requests before I say the prayers to St. Anthony. It gives me a focus.
Therefore, the prayer to St. Anthony for healing will generate results to the health challenge you identified in your prayer.
This does not have to be an instant healing. It could take days, but the process will speed up beyond human calculations.
Who is St. Anthony of Padua?
He was a Portuguese Catholic priest and a friar of the Franciscan order. He was a saint of God who was born in Lisbon, Portugal. His heart was filled with compassion and love for the people around him. Furthermore, he was a powerful preacher of the word of God.
Legend has it that after 30 years of his death, his tongue was still found without decay. His powerful teaching power brought wisdom and insight to many people during his life. He was also a performer of miracles.
Who can use the Powers of St. Anthony
The powers of St. Anthony can be used by everyone.
As long as you pray to him with faith, you are going to get results. Although several people who use the powers of St. Anthony are Catholics, it is not restricted to them alone.
By following the instructions in this article, you can generate results with the power of St. Anthony through prayer.
Will the Prayers take a while to work?
Prayers are unlike magic. Some prayers work instantly, but most prayers take some time to work. Therefore, you have to remain patient and consistent in your prayers before you see the result you desire.
The prayers might take time to work, but they will eventually work.
Final Words

By offering prayers to St. Anthony, everything in your life will be restored to order. Furthermore, you will enjoy compassion, healing, and good luck in your endeavors. The 7 unfailing prayers to St. Anthony in this article will give you the perfect answer to every desire of your heart.
Interesting Prayers:
Prayer for the works of my hands to come around and protection Amen
Prayer to GOD to blessed my work