When going to school or enrolling for an online course, you’ll agree that sooner or later you’re going to be examined in order to move to the next level or finish it.
Of course, you already know the importance of your exam, but it can make you feel nervous, and no matter your level of preparation, there are still certain things that could leave you scared or anxious.
But did you know that there is something you could do to have everything concerning your examination under control? This is beyond reading your books and studying.
By praying to the Patron of exams, you’re committing your success and hopes to Him. You’re showing Him that you believe He is capable of guiding and helping you.
In this article, we’ll be sharing 5 powerful and effective prayers you can say to St. Joseph of Cupertino for your exam success.
When saying this prayer, believe that your prayers will be answered.
1) St Joseph Of Cupertino Prayer For Exams
![St Joseph Of Cupertino Prayer For Exams](https://www.fromtheangels.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Captura-de-ecra-2023-03-14-as-10.46.11-min-1024x1010.png)
“Oh great St. Joseph of Cupertino, I ask that You help me overcome the fears I have for my exam. Guide me to focus only on the important areas my examination questions will come from, and prepare fully without any kind of setbacks.
Thank you St. Joseph for I know You will not disappoint me and You will guide me through and make this exam, a smooth and easy one for me.
Preparing for your examination can be mentally draining and tasking most times. Especially when you have to read up on everything in order to not leave anything out.
A lot of times you wish you could just stumble on the area of concentration of your exams, and just focus on it alone but this only happens 1 out of 10 times.
But if you prayed to St. Joseph of Cupertino, the patron of exams and tests, and with the help of the holy spirit, to guide you and direct you to the area of concentration, then passing and succeeding in your exams could be much easier.
Say this prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino and see how he will guide you.
You can also say this prayer before studying to help you focus.
2) Prayer To St Joseph For Exam Success
![Prayer To St Joseph For Exam Success](https://www.fromtheangels.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Captura-de-ecra-2023-03-14-as-10.47.02-min-951x1024.png)
“Oh, St. Joseph of Cupertino, You are the patron of examinations and tests, and with thy loving heart, You can grant me success in my exams.
I pray that You give me the retentive memory to remember all that I have read and grant me the ability to pass my examination.
I also pray, that thou, great Saint, give me the strength and mental capacity to constantly study and not get distracted for this exam I am preparing for.
If there is anyone you should pray to for your exam’s success, then it is definitely St. Joseph of Cupertino.
This is because St. Joseph of Cupertino cares about the welfare and success of students, and he definitely knows what it feels like to take an examination.
So, while preparing for your exams, do not focus on reading all the books, studying in groups or setting your own questions alone.
Instead, take out time to pray to St. Joseph that he might grant your exams success and provide all the help you need.
Finish this prayer by saying this Bible verse and ask God for His guidance too:
“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” — Psalm 25:4-5.
3) Catholic Prayer For Exam Success
![Catholic Prayer For Exam Success](https://www.fromtheangels.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Captura-de-ecra-2023-03-14-as-10.47.38-min-875x1024.png)
“Oh Humble St. Joseph of Cupertino,
I say this prayer to You today because my exam is fast approaching and I cannot do this on my own. I have faith in You and I believe that You have the ability to help me succeed in my exams.
I pray that You hear my concerns about my exam and give me the knowledge and wisdom to answer every question correctly.
I am confident that with Your help this exam is going to be a great and less stressful one for me. Amen.”
Praying before and during your examination can contribute greatly to your level of success.
Also, the confidence you have for your exams is highly dependent on the backing and preparations you have made.
And one of the best preparations you can make that will guarantee your exam success is by praying to St. Joseph of Cupertino.
This is because this great patron has a track record of helping students succeed and score good grades on their tests and exams.
Do not hesitate to pray to him for your examination success.
Always remember, that preparing just physically is not enough, you need some spiritual backing too and you can get this by praying.
You can also say this prayer if you’re feeling too anxious or worried about the exam.
4) Short Prayer To St Joesph Of Cupertino To Succeed In Exam
![Short Prayer To St Joesph Of Cupertino To Succeed In Exam](https://www.fromtheangels.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Captura-de-ecra-2023-03-14-as-10.48.09-min-1024x769.png)
“Oh Great St. Joseph of Cupertino, I thank You for giving me the privilege to come to You in prayers. I am currently preparing to seat for my exam. I pray that You give me your blessings and guidance so that I may succeed and pass my exams with flying colors.
This prayer needs to be said a few minutes before the exam, as it will show St. Joseph that you rely on His powers and guidance.
Every student’s dream is to pass their examination with flying colors.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in pre-school, high school, college, in a university or whatever school you’re in, I’m certain you would love to write your exams with ease and get straight A’s.
Passing your exams is highly possible and does not have to remain a mere wish. With the blessings and guidance of St. Joseph of Cupertino, you can pass your exams successfully.
You can say this prayer as many times as you need, St. Joseph of Cupertino never gets tired of hearing you talk to him.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 4:6-7.
5) Prayer For Good Grades In Exam
![Prayer For Good Grades In Exam](https://www.fromtheangels.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Captura-de-ecra-2023-03-14-as-10.48.50-min-903x1024.png)
“Oh, Humble, St. Joseph of Cupertino, lover of students and patron of examination success. Thank You for Your interest in the success of our education. Blessed are thou amongst saints.
I have come before thee today to pray that You give me the grace and ability to score good grades in the exams which I am currently preparing to take.
I also pray that You grant me the opportunity to be asked only questions from every area that I have read and prepared my questions in.
There’s nothing students love most than scoring good grades in their exams. This alone has its own way of showing how well we answered the questions.
But what happens if you have been doing your best, reading all night and when your results are out, your grades are not so good?
This alone can be very frustrating, especially when you had to pause every other thing in your life to prepare for your exams.
If you have been in this situation before, then know that preparing alone without praying for the blessing and guidance of St. Joseph of Cupertino is only 50% of the work.
The best thing to do is to make your preparations alongside prayers. This will guarantee more success and good grades in your examination.
You can also say a prayer for calm before the exam, so your nervousness won’t affect you.
Should I Say These Prayers Before The Exam?
Yes, it’s imperative that you start saying these prayers before your exam. Do not wait for an hour or a day before your exams to say these prayers.
By saying these prayers even while you prepare for your exams, it will not only boost your confidence but it will give you the feeling of guarantee that St. Joseph of Cupertino has heard your prayers and he will do as you have said.
Will These Prayers Help Me To Focus And Succeed In The Exam?
Yes, these prayers are very powerful and they have the ability to help you focus and succeed in your exams.
Be rest assured that you can depend on St. Joseph of Cupertino to help you ace and succeed in your exams.
Many students who have prayed to him in the past have affirmed that praying to the great patron of tests and exams success helped them in focusing and succeeding in their exams.
So you can count on these prayers to help you focus and succeed in your exams.
How Many Times Can I Pray These Prayers?
No rule of thumb says you have to say these prayers a particular number of times. Have in mind that you can say these prayers as much as you want.
The number of times to say these prayers is totally up to you and not anybody else. You could choose to say these prayers 5 times an hour, a day, a week or however you want it.
Final Thoughts
Preparing for exams and scoring good grades is not an easy thing to do. But as a student, if you want a faster and more genuine way to write your exams and succeed with flying colors, then saying the five exams success prayers to St. Joseph of Cupertino in this article will help you achieve that.
Do not forget that he is the patron of tests and exams’ success, and he is always ready to listen to your prayers and answer them.
Prayers for my daughter to do well on all her final exams this week to pass with great grades. And continue in her college journey and maintain scholarships awarded